The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ayya Khema's Dharma Talks at Khema Archive
Ayya Khema
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1994-06-04 The Discourse on Loving-Kindness (Karaniya Metta Sutta) 58:27
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-06-03 Loving Kindness 66:56
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-06-02 Questions & Answers 36:30
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-06-01 Potthapada Sutta D.N.9. Path & Fruit. The Goal of the Practice 1:20:50
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-05-31 Potthapada Sutta D.N.9. Which is the Real Self? 66:04
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-05-30 Questions & Answers 68:28
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-05-29 Potthapada Sutta D.N.9. Removing The Illusion of Self. Insight-Wisdom. 64:24
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-05-28 Potthapada Sutta D.N.9. Cessation of Craving. What is Conducive to Nibbana 63:07
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-05-27 Potthapada Sutta D.N.9. Disenchantment, Dispassion. The 4 Noble Truths 66:23
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9
1994-05-26 Potthapada Sutta D.N.9. The 7th Meditative Absorption. Cessation of Perception. Insight into Self 64:27
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9

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