The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Khema Archive
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1995-07-04 Questions & Answers 1:28:17
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Niederaltaich, Germany) Retreat @ Niederaltaich

1995-07-03 Compassion, Joy with Others; Loving Kindness Meditation (Gratitude) 1:26:53
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Niederaltaich, Germany) Retreat @ Niederaltaich

1995-07-02 Unconditional Love - Purification of the Heart; Questions and Answers 1:17:50
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Niederaltaich, Germany) Retreat @ Niederaltaich

1995-07-01 The Path of Purification; Loving Kindness Contemplation; Loving Kindness Meditation (Most Beloved Person) 69:41
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Niederaltaich, Germany) Retreat @ Niederaltaich

1995-06-30 Introduction to the Monastery; Overall Explanation of Meditation; Loving Kindness Meditation (Best Friend) 1:23:28
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Niederaltaich, Germany) Retreat @ Niederaltaich

1994-06-09 Where Do We Go From Here? Sharing of Merits 1:14:11
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9

1994-06-08 Questions & Answers 1:32:40
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9

1994-06-07 Loving-Kindness Meditations, Chanting 53:36
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9

1994-06-06 The Discourse on Loving-Kindness (continued) 69:37
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9

1994-06-05 The Discourse on Loving-Kindness (continued) 58:01
Ayya Khema
Khema Archive (Land of the Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA) States of Consciousness (Potthapada Sutta) Digha Nikyya #9

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